A suite of sketches

Sketching has been on the agenda lately and I’m pleasantly surprised how they’ve turned out. Pleasantly imprecise  is the term i’d use to describe my now tendency to turn to the ink and paper. What’s not to like about a wonky line. Well it doesn’t look uptight does it. Anyway here’s a few of my recents.

This is my rather messy kitchen I decided to capture one afternoon.
My geetar playing son. Notice the curly hair. I wish I could add sound to this image because it rocks (hehe).
My first foray into the world of line drawing. I decided to sketch this particular day rather than meditating. Much more fun.
Now this sketch took 2 sittings because there is so much stuff in there (well it is my house). Notice there is a napping human. Luckily I captured sleeping beauty in the first sitting.
Kitchen again.
The back courtyard area. This is my little haven out of the wind, full of flowers and pots.